How you treat your Employees will determine the FATE of your company


I am saddened to see so many companies quick to terminate employees—companies making profits, who don’t have to terminate staff and still choose to do so. Tough times reveal our true colors. Why not work together to find solutions to keep staff on hand for this temporary situation —going to a 3 day work week, cutting salary by x%, management taking a salary reduction, etc. Give the employee the choice to stay at a reduction, or not.

Some companies have been extraordinary. There are chief executives across industries who are cutting their pay—even to zero—as part of their strategy to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus crisis. Texas Roadhouse CEO Kent Taylor is giving up his pay for the rest of the year, (March 18, 2020, to Jan. 7, 2021) to help struggling employees amid the pandemic. Why don’t many leaders think like this?

Of course it’s business and if a company is unprofitable there will be termination and layoffs, but how employers treat their people during this crisis, is going to impact their brand for years to come.

You get judged on how you treat people in difficult times. It’s easy to be good when times are good.

Show employees you genuinely care. Any effort a company is putting to keep their staff will go a long way in sustaining the culture and brand. Sadly, many leaders don’t care nor do they wish to care because they think caring is detrimental to the bottom line these days. These rough times are a true test of a company’s corporate culture and values, especially those who say they “value people” or ” put people first”. As a leader everyone is looking to you. Do everything you can to fight for your employees and if you must let them go, make sure you use emotional intelligence and empathy during the termination process.

“This too shall pass”, and some companies have been laying off great employees out of panic. They soon might realize that they need these people immediately when things get back to normal. These companies are just focusing on the short term. Reactionary management is not strategic leadership. One thing they are not thinking of, when we are all up and running again—they may find it harder to retain loyal employees or attract top talent. And if I was in the job market, an interview question I would definitely ask would be, “how did your company handle the pandemic?”

It’s not even 2-3-4 months of lockdowns and companies are so quick to layoff employees. Consider the long term impacts. Layoffs are a short-term answer that harm a company’s long-term value. Research shows that organizations that layoff employees experience a:

  • 20% decline in job performance from the remaining employees
  • 36% decline in organizational commitment
  • 41% decline in job satisfaction
  • 31% increase in voluntary turnover the next year

If your Crisis Management Strategy is just to throw people overboard when the going gets tough, you will be in for a rude awakening. Cost cutting by cutting your main pipeline may not be such a smart idea. You would be losing intellectual resources and at a bigger risk of not maintaining a competitive advantage.

Employees are the branches of a tree that makes a company grow. They are your best brand ambassadors. Loyalty is a two-way street. Don’t treat your people only as the means to an end. Demonstrate that you value people and in return, you will earn their loyalty.

Check out my latest Bestselling Book

 Leading the Workforce of the Future


EMPATHY is the most important leadership skill needed today!


In this digital age, there is a big disconnect between leaders and the people they lead. Many managers think they are doing a great job but when you ask the people they lead, it’s quite the opposite. Many employees feel unappreciated and undervalued. Employee engagement is at an all time low. What seems to be missing link? Empathy.

Many organizations are focused on achieving goals no matter what the cost to employees. If we treat people only as the means to an end, we will never have their loyalty. Treat your people right. Great leaders are concerned about getting the job done as well as the well-being of those under their care. It doesn’t mean being overly attentive or soft but demonstrate that you value people. Without empathy, you can’t build a team, inspire followers or elicit loyalty. Leaders that possess this trait always make time for people.

Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care”. – Theodore Roosevelt

Empathy and listening go hand in hand. Why? Because listening shows you care. You can’t show empathy if you do not listen. Good listening skills is fast becoming an endangered species due to information overload and shortened attention span. The quality of our listening determines the quality of our influence. Employees want to be heard and they want to be respected. Listening transmits that kind of respect and builds trust.

We tend to confuse empathy with sympathy; empathy is really being able to understand the emotions and needs of others. It’s putting yourself in their shoes.

Lauralee emailed me this:

“I worked for a company in Brussels a few years ago when my brother (who was living in the USA) had cancer. In that year, I had 10 weeks leave visiting him & then, when he died, attending his funeral). When I asked my boss, Eric how I repay the company for all these extra holidays, he simply replied “they weren’t holidays, don’t worry about it”. This attitude was not isolated & reflected the company culture . . . to this day, it was the best company I ever worked at & Eric was the best boss I ever had . . . I would walk over hot coals for him!”

If you want to increase employee engagement and loyalty. Pretty simple! Show people that you genuinely care! Sometimes it’s the little things we do that counts the most. It’s the simple things people remember. The thoughtful gesture, the kind word, the much needed support. It’s doesn’t cost much to show employees you genuinely care, but it can make the biggest difference in keeping them loyal, happy and engaged.

Check out my latest Bestselling Book

 Leading the Workforce of the Future


Everything comes to you at the right time. Be patient. Your time will come.


Last week a door finally opened that I had been trying to open for so long. I was heading into unknown territory. The odds were totally stacked against me. There seemed to be nothing working in my favour, yet I kept pressing on.

The days leading up to my breakthrough were indeed the toughest. As the famous saying goes, “the darkest hour is just before dawn.” Well, the storm unleashed its full fury. Everything that could have gone wrong did, and then of course there were the dissenting voices.

Life will throw curve balls at you and will attempt to break you down, nothing may happen exactly as you have planned. Just when you think things are starting to turn around, life may smack you back down, but don’t despair. You will get disappointed but don’t be discouraged. When life knocks you down, you can either stay on the ground and wallow in self-pity, or you can get back up and say, “This is NOT how my story is going to end!” 

“Rejection does not mean you aren’t good enough. It just means the other person failed to realize what you have to offer.” -Mark Amend.

Stop trying to open doors that were never meant for you. This will drain your energy and cripple your spirit. The value of the diamond can be only recognized by a professional jeweler and not by a cattle herder. You may be barking up the wrong tree. As my grandmother would say, “What is meant for you will not pass you by. If it didn’t open, its not your door.” There will be more opportunities. Keep going. Don’t give up. It’s just a matter of time for things to work out in your favour. Be patient.

It was then in an instant when all hope was almost gone that everything changed. I got my breakthrough. I was in amazement. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen so soon. I was just so focused on my plan and had mentally psyched myself up for the long bumpy road ahead. Yes, it had been like this for quite a while but, everybody has their day and today was my day.

Don’t be discouraged. Don’t lose hope. Seasons change. It won’t rain forever, the sun must shine through.

Every NO/ Rejection is just a step closer to your Yes. When one door closes a better one will open. So Keep trying, Keep reaching, Keep dreaming. You never know what’s just around the corner. You will get your breakthrough too. The truth is, it may not happen how you had imagined, or from the sources you expected it from. Stop dwelling on closed doors. Let go of rejection and disappointment. Let it go. You did not miss your moment. Even if things look bleak right now, your future is bright! Your better days are ahead of you, NOT behind you. The BEST is yet to come.😊  

Check out my latest Bestselling Book

 Leading the Workforce of the Future


Work for someone who appreciates your ideas, loyalty and hard work.


I worked for a company for 3 years and only got two interviews for internal jobs, I applied for. I never got promoted even though I was acting in the position. One day I applied to another company, and was offered an amazing opportunity and within 6 months, they gave me a promotion. I ended up getting “Employee of the Year”. My old boss asked me to come back for the same promotion. I told him, “Thanks, but no thanks.”

As I look back, I am thankful for all the rejection I received from my previous boss. It was a blessing in disguise. Rejection hurts but don’t dwell on it or take it personally. If you focus on positive thinking, even the harshest defeat is only a stepping-stone. So if you didn’t get the job or promotion, don’t let it affect your self-worth, just think of it as. “I am not being rejected, I am being redirected to something better!” Why would you want to work for a someone who does not appreciate your talents, hard-work or loyalty?

Life is too short to put up with a job you dislike or a boss who treats you poorly. No amount of money can compensate for a toxic culture.

Work for someone who appreciates your ideas, loyalty and hard work. Even if it means working for yourself.

Too many of us are hanging around in places, relationships, jobs where we are not being valued – where the life is literally being sucked out of us. Why? Because of fear or lack of confidence in ourselves and in our abilities. We convince ourselves that we can stay in a job that makes us unhappy because we need the income, or because we don’t believe we can find another job. But the truth is spending too much of it in a bad situation will make you miserable and it can affect your health.

Working in an environment where you are merely tolerated will only hold you back. If you dread Mondays, and the high point of your working experience is Friday or payday, then perhaps it’s time to start looking at other companies or perhaps starting your own business. The biggest challenge we all face throughout our career is to be brave enough to walk away when our loyalty and hard work are taken for granted. Speaking from experience, it’s a scary decision.

Change is scary, but there are really great positions/great companies out there. Have confidence in your skills and abilities. Know your worth. Even when the current situation tries to make you think otherwise. Network, volunteer and learn new skills. Start taking small steps to where you want to be. You deserve so much better!


Check out my latest Bestselling Book

 Leading the Workforce of the Future


You Get The Talent That You Pay for!


Four years ago, CEO Dan Price slashed his own salary of almost $1 million to raise those of his employees, bringing the minimum salary of every employee to $70,000. Now he’s opening an office in a new city and promising another salary increase.

In 2015, he was heralded as one of the most generous employers. Two weeks after he made the initial announcement, the company was flooded with 4,500 resumes and new customer inquiries jumped from 30 a month to 2,000 a month. Price’s belief is that by investing in his employees, the company will grow faster. Sadly, most employers don’t get this. If you want to increase loyalty, engagement and productivity start by paying people what they are worth.

Today, many companies will not hire the candidates who are considered “Overqualified.” However, ignoring the “overqualified” because you think they are too expensive, and you can hire 2 employees for the price of one, will eventually cost you in the long term. You can’t Google experience.

Most people don’t expect ridiculous salaries or raises, they just want to be paid what they are worth. It’s a shame how we have designated employees as “liabilities” while machines and buildings are assets. We invest in assets; we limit liabilities.

At the University of Pennsylvania, researchers discovered that businesses that spent 10% of their revenue on capital improvements saw a 3.9% productivity increase. But get this—when that same 10% was invested in employees, productivity went up 8.5%.

“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.” – Maureen Dowd

Additionally, I see many job seekers and employees, whether interviewing for a job or negotiating for a raise, undersell themselves. Learn to stand up for yourself. Learn to say no. Don’t be afraid to ask for the salary you deserve. It’s about the skills, experience and value you bring to the table. Know your worth and don’t be afraid to ask for it.


Check out my latest Bestselling Book

 Leading the Workforce of the Future
