Top 20 Most followed Influencers on LinkedIn 2023


Top 20 Most followed Influencers on LinkedIn 2023


Influencer Name Number of followers Country
1. Bill Gates 34.8 Million USA
2. Richard Branson 18.7 Million UK
3. Jeff Weiner 10.4 Million USA
4. Satya Nadella 10.3 Million USA
5. Arianna Huffington 9.5 Million USA
6. Mark Cuban 7.4 Million USA
7. Simon Sinek 7.0 Million USA
8. Tony Robbins 6.9 Million USA
9. Melinda Gates 6.5 Million USA
10. Deepak Chopra MD 5.6 Million USA
11. Daniel Goleman 5.5Million USA
12. Justin Trudeau 5.3 Million CAN
13. Gary Vaynerchuk 5.29 Million USA
14. Adam Grant 5.05 Million USA
15. Brene Brown 4.06 Million USA
16. Narendra Modi 4.06 Million IND
17. Brigette Hyacinth 4.02 Million TTO
18. Kevin O’Leary 3.66 Million USA
19. Ian Bremmer 3.65 Million USA
20. Anthony J James 3.61 Million AUS

Top 20 Most followed Influencers on LinkedIn 2022



Top 20 Most Followed People on LinkedIn 2022


Influencer Name Number of followers Country
1. Bill Gates 35.9 Million USA
2. Richard Branson 19.7 Million UK
3. Jeff Weiner 10.7 Million USA
4. Arianna Huffington 10.15 Million USA
5. Satya Nadella 10.06 Million USA
6. Mark Cuban 7.57 Million USA
7. Tony Robbins 7.24 Million USA
8. Melinda Gates 7.18 Million USA
9. Jack Welch 7.15 Million USA
10. Simon Sinek 6.31 Million USA
11. Deepak Chopra MD 5.81 Million USA
12. Daniel Goleman 5.70 Million USA
13. Justin Trudeau 5.43 Million CAN
14. Gary Vaynerchuk 5.26 Million USA
15. Adam Grant 4.87 Million USA
16. Brigette Hyacinth 4.34 Million TTO
17. Anthony J James 4.03 Million AUS
18. Narendra Modi 3.81 Million IND
19. Ian Bremmer 3.79 Million USA
20. Brene Brown 3.73 Million USA

If you can’t TRUST your Employees to work flexibly, why HIRE them at all?


Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, whether professionally or personally and when it’s broken, it is extremely hard to repair. I had a supervisor, I couldn’t even send an email without her approving it first. She was so inflexible that it was overbearing. I felt stifled. When employees feel they can’t trust their boss, they feel unsafe, like no one has their back, and then spend more energy on survival than performing at their job.

The corporate world is littered with micromanagers. Sadly many organizations prefer these managers because they seem to be on top of, and in control of everything. In the short term, they may produce results but in the long run they leave a trail of destruction in their path.

“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to to. We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” —Steve Jobs

Employees want meaningful work, and they want autonomy in how they work. Train, coach and mentor employees and ensure they are given clear objectives. The typical ‘bad boss’ spends their time directing employees rather than empowering them. It’s sad that in many organizations, managers think to be effective they need to MICROMANAGE employees.

A manager’s job is to provide guidance and support. It’s facilitating a healthy environment where employees can perform at their best. Always be quick to recognize, appreciate and reward employees’ efforts. Micromanaging is the opposite of empowerment and it creates toxic work environments. It breeds resentment and disloyalty. If you hired someone, it means you believe they are capable of doing the job, then trust them to get it done.

Micromanagement is a complete waste of everybody’s time. It sucks the life out of employees, fosters anxiety and creates a high stress work environment.

Micromanagement chokes the growth of the employee and the organization and fosters mediocrity. When you empower employees, you promote vested interest in the company. Empowered employees are more confident, more willing to go the extra mile for employers, and more willing do whatever it takes to care for customers. The best ideas and advancements are a result of empowering your team.

Check out my latest Bestselling Book

 Leading the Workforce of the Future


The real reason Employees have no loyalty to corporations


People don’t leave bad jobs, They leave bad bosses. Most of the time an employee has an issue with a company, it is something relating to their boss.

Here are 7 reasons why employees have no loyalty to corporations:

  1. Not valuing employees or appreciating their contributions.
  2. Inflexibility in breaks, lunch time, work from home, sick days, family leave, and further education.
  3. Trespassing on their personal time. Asking them to leave the office late, work on weekends or interrupting them while on vacation.
  4. Showing no interest in their personal development.
  5. Not caring about them as a person or showing concern especially when they are dealing with illness, bereavement…etc
  6. No Integrity – Always looking to blame others and not standing up for your team.
  7. Lack of trust – Micromanaging them. You monitor their every movement.

If you treat people right they will treat you right 90 % of the time.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

I received this email from Lisa:

“I had a family emergency. My father had fallen sick. My boss had someone from the office drive me to the hospital. He even told me to take as much time as I needed when he passed away. Their compassion and consideration really helped me through this difficult time. It’s been 5 years since this happened and guess what – I am still with this company. If you have my back, I have your back. I would go to the moon and back for my boss.”

 “ Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Leadership is about people. Your business is nothing more than the collective energy and efforts of the people working with and for you. For loyalty, there has to be a relationship that develops between employee and employer and this develops over time through trust that gets built and sustained. Transparency, authenticity and walking the talk are essential for building trust. Being open with employees promotes an engaged workforce. Threats and intimidation only yield temporary results. You can’t keep throwing your employees under the bus and expect them to give their all. Show people that you care about them and are interested in their welfare. Loyalty is a two-way street. If you want loyalty from employees, you must first give it. If you want employees to go the extra mile, you have to be willing to go the extra mile for them. It works both ways.

” Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” ~Richard Branson

The corporate is full of managers and lacks leaders. Leaders build people up. Managers pull people down. Leaders are those comfortable and secure in who they are whilst managers are competing with their subordinates. Our system has fallen into a self-reinforcing command loop construct as follows: Increase shareholder value at all costs without regard for the human factor. Sadly, if you do not cure the cancer in the root of the tree, not only with the branches and leaves die; but so will the the tree.

Employees know when they are on shaky ground. If a company has no loyalty to it’s employees, why should they be loyal in return? If we treat people only as the means to an end, we will never have their loyalty. Don’t just consider them as a robot on your cog-like production line. Demonstrate that you value people and they in turn, will take care of the business. If you want loyal employees – Treat your people well!

Check out my latest Bestselling Book

 Leading the Workforce of the Future


Why Managers Should Care about Employee Loyalty


Loyal employees are a major asset for a strong company. Many businesses think that employees are automatically loyal just because they’re getting a regular paycheck. The truth is loyalty isn’t for sale. Loyalty has to be earned by the way you treat your employees. Transforming your business isn’t easy. You can’t do it alone. Without the cumulative drive of a dedicated team, your business won’t last long.

How you Treat your Employees will Determine the Fate of your Company!

Often poor management lies at the heart of an employee’s departure. People don’t leave jobs, they leave managers. The manager is the company’s first point of contact with an employee, if that contact is bad, the relationship with the company will be bad and the employee won’t stay long. If companies are going to excel, they need two things: Loyal Employees and Loyal Customers. The link between employee satisfaction and productivity is long-established. Research has found that happy workers are 12% more productive than their less satisfied counterparts. Loyal employees = Loyal customers. Loyal employees are worth more than their weight in gold. They uphold your brand and ensure the sustainability of your business. They go the extra mile. They make it possible for you to win.

In the present environment, it becomes a necessity for the organization to have a strategy for retaining their best employees. Your competitors are waiting at the door with “treats” to lure away your top performers. If you keep treating employees like they are easily replaceable, you will be paying the price for this. According to data drawn from 30 case studies taken from 11 research papers on the costs of employee turnover, it costs at least 20% of their salary when an employee leaves. These costs reflect the loss of productivity from the departure, the cost of finding a replacement, and the reduced productivity while the new employee gets up to speed.

Beyond the more tangible losses, it affects the teams stability and causes other employees to reconsider their loyalty towards the organization. Additionally, poor employee loyalty can also damage a company’s image. Sites like Glassdoor and Indeed offer employees a platform on which to air their true feelings about their employer. Fortune bases its “100 Best Companies to Work For” ranking on employee reviews of company culture.

Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to. -Richard Branson

Tips To Help You Keep Your Best Employees

When employees feel disconnected, undervalued, and unappreciated, it doesn’t take long for them to jump ship and look for another job that will recognize their contributions. The only thing that can stop a high employee turnover is to give employees a reason to stay, or, even better, multiple reasons. Here are some tips to help retain your best employees:

* Don’t treat employees like machines – Employees want to know that their employer understands the need for a work/life balance and respects their personal time.

* Create opportunities for growth and development – Always make sure there are ways your employees can grow and can do work that inspires them.

* Reward Employees’ efforts – An open company culture with room for recognition and appreciation is very important. If you want the best, you must pay the price for the best.

* Don’t micromanage – Trust employees. Give them autonomy and breathing space to get their work done.

* Provide adequate training and support. Training demonstrates a company’s commitment to employees in terms of personal and professional growth.

* Show Empathy. Very few bosses show empathy towards their team members and this helps improve overall team morale and performance.

Ultimately having a culture that promotes open communication, fairness, teamwork, camaraderie and a family atmosphere helps to retain good employees. Focus on building quality relationships. Employees with strong bonds to those they work with, are usually the most engaged and tend to stay longer at companies they work for.

Furthermore, when people leave your organization, find out why. Your organization may have morale weaknesses you are not aware of or have been underestimating. In one study, 89% of managers surveyed said they thought most employees leave for better pay. However, another study found that 88% of employees who quit did so for something other than money. Clearly, there is often a disconnect between managers and employees about what motivates an employee to leave. The reason for leaving is not always salary and exit interviews are not always accurate. HR needs to dig deep to find out the exact reason of staff turnover. And most importantly “Act.” Take action and let employees see you are genuinely committed to enriching their work experience.

Consequently, when people stay with your organization, find out why (Stay Interviews). Here’s the reality: employees are only as loyal to the company as they believe the company is loyal to them. Loyalty is a two-way street. So in the end, building an organization of committed, loyal employees ultimately comes down to demonstrating to employees that the company deserves their loyalty.

Check out my latest Bestselling Book

 Leading the Workforce of the Future
